
Description: Use chrome.gcm to enable apps and extensions to send and receive messages through the Google Cloud Messaging Service.
Availability: Since Chrome 35.
Permissions: "gcm"
Learn More: Implementing GCM Client on Chrome


register chrome.gcm.register(array of string senderIds, function callback)
unregister chrome.gcm.unregister(function callback)
send chrome.gcm.send(object message, function callback)


4,096 chrome.gcm.MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE The maximum size (in bytes) of all key/value pairs in a message.



chrome.gcm.register(array of string senderIds, function callback)

Registers the application with GCM. The registration ID will be returned by the callback. If register is called again with the same list of senderIds, the same registration ID will be returned.

array of string senderIds

A list of server IDs that are allowed to send messages to the application. It should contain at least one and no more than 100 sender IDs.

function callback

Function called when registration completes. It should check runtime.lastError for error when registrationId is empty.

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(string registrationId) {...};
string registrationId

A registration ID assigned to the application by the GCM.


chrome.gcm.unregister(function callback)

Unregisters the application from GCM.

function callback

A function called after the unregistration completes. Unregistration was successful if runtime.lastError is not set.

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function() {...};


chrome.gcm.send(object message, function callback)

Sends a message according to its contents.

object message

A message to send to the other party via GCM.

string destinationId

The ID of the server to send the message to as assigned by Google API Console.

string messageId

The ID of the message. It must be unique for each message in scope of the applications. See the Cloud Messaging documentation for advice for picking and handling an ID.

integer (optional) timeToLive

Time-to-live of the message in seconds. If it is not possible to send the message within that time, an onSendError event will be raised. A time-to-live of 0 indicates that the message should be sent immediately or fail if it's not possible. The maximum and a default value of time-to-live is 86400 seconds (1 day).

object data

Message data to send to the server. Case-insensitive goog. and google, as well as case-sensitive collapse_key are disallowed as key prefixes. Sum of all key/value pairs should not exceed gcm.MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE.

function callback

A function called after the message is successfully queued for sending. runtime.lastError should be checked, to ensure a message was sent without problems.

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(string messageId) {...};
string messageId

The ID of the message that the callback was issued for.



Fired when a message is received through GCM.


chrome.gcm.onMessage.addListener(function callback)
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(object message) {...};
object message

A message received from another party via GCM.

object data

The message data.

string (optional) from

Since Chrome 41.

The sender who issued the message.

string (optional) collapseKey

The collapse key of a message. See Collapsible Messages section of Cloud Messaging documentation for details.


Fired when a GCM server had to delete messages sent by an app server to the application. See Messages deleted event section of Cloud Messaging documentation for details on handling this event.


chrome.gcm.onMessagesDeleted.addListener(function callback)
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function() {...};


Fired when it was not possible to send a message to the GCM server.


chrome.gcm.onSendError.addListener(function callback)
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(object error) {...};
object error

An error that occured while trying to send the message either in Chrome or on the GCM server. Application can retry sending the message with a reasonable backoff and possibly longer time-to-live.

string errorMessage

The error message describing the problem.

string (optional) messageId

The ID of the message with this error, if error is related to a specific message.

object details

Additional details related to the error, when available.