
Description: Desktop Capture API that can be used to capture content of screen, individual windows or tabs.
Availability: Since Chrome 35.
Permissions: "desktopCapture"


chooseDesktopMedia integer chrome.desktopCapture.chooseDesktopMedia(array of DesktopCaptureSourceType sources, tabs.Tab targetTab, function callback)
cancelChooseDesktopMedia chrome.desktopCapture.cancelChooseDesktopMedia(integer desktopMediaRequestId)



Enum used to define set of desktop media sources used in chooseDesktopMedia().
"screen", "window", "tab", or "audio"



integer chrome.desktopCapture.chooseDesktopMedia(array of DesktopCaptureSourceType sources, tabs.Tab targetTab, function callback)

Shows desktop media picker UI with the specified set of sources.

array of DesktopCaptureSourceType sources

Set of sources that should be shown to the user. The sources order in the set decides the tab order in the picker.

tabs.Tab (optional) targetTab

Optional tab for which the stream is created. If not specified then the resulting stream can be used only by the calling extension. The stream can only be used by frames in the given tab whose security origin matches tab.url. The tab's origin must be a secure origin, e.g. HTTPS.

function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(string streamId, object options) {...};
string streamId

An opaque string that can be passed to getUserMedia() API to generate media stream that corresponds to the source selected by the user. If user didn't select any source (i.e. canceled the prompt) then the callback is called with an empty streamId. The created streamId can be used only once and expires after a few seconds when it is not used.

object options

Contains properties that describe the stream.

boolean canRequestAudioTrack

True if "audio" is included in parameter sources, and the end user does not uncheck the "Share audio" checkbox. Otherwise false, and in this case, one should not ask for audio stream through getUserMedia call.


chrome.desktopCapture.cancelChooseDesktopMedia(integer desktopMediaRequestId)

Hides desktop media picker dialog shown by chooseDesktopMedia().

integer desktopMediaRequestId

Id returned by chooseDesktopMedia()